Fuel Log Advantage

Effects of Wood Smoke

Inefficient wood burning creates a serious atmospheric pollutant. In addition to particle pollution, wood smoke contains several toxic harmful air pollutants including: benzene, formaldehyde, acrolein and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs).  These pollutants are especially harmful to children, elders and those unable to fight off the ongoing adverse affects.

Fairbanks Clean Air Act

Federally enforceable, Fairbanks North Star Borough's air quality plan became effective October 10, 2017. 

This means:

  • moisture levels cannot be greater than 20% 
  • all sellers, buyers, and consumers must be cognisant of the moisture of all firewood they are burning
  • possibly purchasing an approved moisture meter
  • extended storage time to dry firewood (even dead trees can have a moisture content of 50%)
  • extended storage area to allow for proper drying and continued supply

At Clean Air Fairbanks they say "Polluting is a choice; breathing is not". 

The Answer

Tok Wood Fuel Logs are made up from 100% natural wood with no additives. They are made by subjecting suitable raw material to extremely high pressure extrusion process at an elevated temperature. The result is a very dense log that is consistent in composition and quality, and will always be very dry with a moisture content below 10%. Because our fire logs give out such high BTUs, the energy output per volume is very high. Many people regard our logs as a major step forward from standard wood logs. 

From an environmental perspective, Tok Wood Fuel Logs are one of the cleanest forms of heat today. We utilize waste material that would otherwise be disposed of. They typically produce 70% less particulate matter, 85% less carbon monoxide and 50% less smoke. 

By using our logs, you are making a contribution to the environment!

The Result

The manufacturing process ensures that the raw material is highly and uniformly compacted. Our logs are 225% more dense then oak. They produce 1.4 times the BTUs per pound than maple and it takes 3.15 more volume of either oak or maple to produce 1,000,000 BTUs. This means that you burn fewer Tok Wood Fuel Logs than natural firewood to achieve the same heat output.

Due to their shape and convenient packaging, Tok Wood Fuel Logs, are easier to store and occupy much less  space than an equivalent load of traditional firewood would require. (A great benefit where there is limited dry space available.) Our logs will last for long periods of time in storage. However, as with all timber, they must be stored in a dry place. 

You can expect:

  • a clean 10-12 hr burn
  • more heat
  • they do not fall apart during a burn
  • very little ash residue
  • low emissions
  • less work
  • less handling
  • less maintenance of the fire